Peer-reviewed articles
Other Contributions
Under Review & Revisions in Progress
Peer-reviewed articles
- “Femisocial Capital: Homophily and Bill Sponsorship by South Korean Female Legislators,” in International Political Science Review (IPSR), first published online on March 25, 2022
- “Let’s Quarrel (Streiten)! Introducing a Kantian Framework for Social Interaction in International Politics,” Journal of International Political Theory, Vol. 17, No. 3 (2021): 356-374.
- “Addressing the 'Dressing Down': Introducing Summonses as Source Material in Northeast Asia,” Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol. 16, No. 4 (2019): 357-378.
- “Why So Many Layers? China’s ‘State-Speak’ and its Classification of Partnerships,” Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2017): 380-397.
- “Parliamentarians’ Unions in Japan and South Korea: Contextualizing Parliamentary Diplomacy,” in Parliamentary Diplomacy in European and Global Governance (Brill 2017)
- “China's Rise: Counterproductive Fearmongering,” (co-author with David C. Kang ) in 2016 Routledge Handbook of Security Studies
- “The Pursuit of Autonomy and South Korea's Atypical Strategic Culture,” in Strategic Asia (2016-17) (co-author with David C. Kang) published by the National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR)
Other Contributions
- “Pedagogical Utility of Science Fiction & The Neither Impossible nor Possible Universe of The Expanse,” APSA Pre-Prints, October 31, 2022
- “Paradiplomacy & Pandemics,” Duck of Minerva, April 12, 2020
- “Why Seoul and Tokyo Will Keep Fighting,” East Asia Forum, September 14, 2019
- “China and Japan Now Seem on Friendlier Terms, But is this a Real Bilateral Thaw?” Washington Post, the Monkey Cage, May 24, 2018
- “Dispelling Nationalism as Immaculate Conception,” E-International Relations, May 13, 2017
- Comparative Connections, Japan-Korea Relations (co-author with David C. Kang): triannual e-journal on East Asia bilateral relations by Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), January 2011-January 2017
- “Korean and Japanese Legislators Working Together,” The National Interest, April 15, 2014
- “Aligned but not Allied: ROK-Japan Bilateral Military Cooperation,” Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies, Korea Economic Institute (KEI) Publication Vol.22 (January 2012)
- Conflict Barometer, Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (translated from English to Korean), with Kim Yeon-jin, KIDA Press (October, 2009)
Under Review & Revisions in Progress
- (book manuscript) “Inside the Nationalist Industrial Complex (NIC): Nationalist Entrepreneurs and Territorial Sovereignty in Northeast Asia”- manuscript workshop held on March 30, 2018, with Krista Wiegand from University of Tennessee, Knoxville and John Ciorciari and Brian Min from University of Michigan
- An article on trash and the ontology of IR (in progress)
- Project on performing for the troops (in progress)